I felt very sluggish starting out and it was obvious that the group rode much faster than I was used to. After my legs warmed up I was not having trouble keeping up. It was faster than I would have pushed myself to go but I could. The last 5 miles before the turn around were down a country road with no lights so it was 5 miles continuous with many gradual hills followed by rolling hills with no lights to stop and recoup at. I fell behind on this stretch. I wasn't by myself but I couldn't tell if that was because there were other people who were having trouble as well or because they were sticking around for me. I caught up at the HEB and had a good break before starting back.
On the ride back I realized something key, I cannot do heavy squats the night before a hard ride. Because the group ride is only on Sunday I had to move my schedule around to make up for the fact that I used to do weights on Sunday. This week, having not planned very well, I did weights on Saturday. I think this will continue to be my plan... minus the squats and lunges. My legs were killing me by the end of the ride. I wasn't quite to rubber legs but I was pretty close. The worst part was that for the last ~7 miles both of my calves were on the verge of charley horsing.
One of the really cool things was that one girl in the beginner group, who has been riding for a while, finally got the clipless peddles. I thought she was a pretty strong rider even without them and she rode so well with them. We caught up with the beginner group with about 5 min left and she was able to keep up with the intermediate group for the last 5 miles and was having a great time. It was awesome watching somebody really find their potential. I hope to see here in the intermediate ride soon.
On a non-cycling but still athletic note, after the ride I rode two blocks over to where my friend was running with Team Pink in a relay marathon. My friend had already finished so I locked my bike up and came over to hang out with her team waiting for the other members to finish. While we were standing there some sweaty guy came up and said "good job! High five" and gave her a high five, they chatted for a couple seconds and then he walked off. After he left she looked at me and said "You don't know who that was do you?" I shook my head. It was Gov. Rick Perry. After I realized, we called him over and I took a picture of my friend standing next to him. Rick Perry says "Vote Team Pink"

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