Monday, September 24, 2007

First Group Ride

So I did my first group ride. A beginner ride so that I could be assured a safe route with somebody watching out for things like cars, railroad tracks, dogs in the road, etc. The ride was amazing. Riding with a group is so much better than riding alone. We did about 20 miles. The pace was a little slower than I usually do but I learned a ton. At the end I went a little faster because I felt more comfortable. I don't think the ride leader realized how strong my legs were because he kept telling me I needed an easier gear. Towards the end I started kicking it up. At one point he told me to put the front derailleur to the lowest gear so I could pass everybody. I told him I couldn't pass everybody because I didn't know where I was going. He took off and I took off after him. I kept up pretty well. We didn't go far because of the rest of the group. The ride definitely made me more confidant about the Livestrong Challenge. Next week I may do the more advanced Saturday ride. It fits my schedule better and is more challenging. I'll do the beginner ride too because I really liked the people.

The one bad thing was I got a flat before I even rode. I was nervous about my tires not being inflated enough and when removing the pump I pulled to hard and tore the valve away from the tire. Pretty embarrassing but we got it all fixed up and luckly I'd brought my spare. Reminded me of the days of my Raleigh Apple that was so old the wheel would fall off and I would have to carry the bike and wheel back home from wherever I was. Little did I know at the time I could put a bag on my bike to carry the necessary tools in :)


Sarah said...

He was probably encouraging you to move to an easier gear because the common wisdom says that it's easier to pedal faster in an easier gear than slower in a harder gear. Faster/easier won't tire you out as much.

I think the idea is to keep your cadence constant somewhere in the 80-100 range and adjust gears accordingly.

Leila said...

Hmmm, that makes sense I've just never ridden like that before. I also have no earthly idea what my cadence is. I did put one of those computers on my wishlist though I guess it doesn't tell me cadence.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I don't have anything that measures cadence either, but I know sort of what 80-100 feels like from riding the stationary bike at the gym.